GIS4RISKS project. Synergic use of GIS applications for analysing volcanic and seismic risks in the pre and post event
Recent studies have provided important input and methodologies to analyse geodynamic hazards and risks in areas exposed to seismic and volcanic events but the link between the geophysics and engineering aspects and the humanistic and economic parameters are often weak. Thus, the GIS4RISKS project sets out to underline and make operative the possible interactions between different fields of research for a socially useful analysis, with the support of GIS and other geospatial technologies which promote the dialogue and the synergy between studies that conducted together can notably increase their impact on actual knowledge. In particular, the attention is focused on the L’Aquila and Naples Provinces (Italy), because they are very interesting study areas to evaluate the added values provided by GIS and geotechnologies in the pre and post event phases. Starting from these representative study areas, the GIS4RISKS project is aimed at elaborating interdisciplinary models and applications which can provide support for meticulous and innovative analysis of multiple variables, also giving remarkable input regarding the educational level and the raising of awareness of the population subject to risk.References
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