The fight for geography in the italian schools (2010-2014): an updating


  • Gino De Vecchis


What is the situation regarding the teaching of geography (at the various school levels) in the different countries of the world? How much attention is paid by the international bodies – like for instance the European Union or UNESCO – to geographical education? What are the educational and didactic objectives pursued? What are the relationships of geography with the other subjects? And furthermore: what is the image of geography in the public opinion and how is it perceived and conveyed by the mass media? These are just some of the questions among the many possible ones that deserve to be seriously compared at international level. What happened recently in Italy bears witness to the change that is possible within the context of a fruitful international collaboration.


De Vecchis G. (a cura di), A scuola senza geografia?, Carocci, Roma, 2011

M. Marta, R. Morri “Chi difende la geografia? Il profilo dei sottoscrittori

dell’appello”, in De Vecchis G. (a cura di), A scuola senza geografia?, Carocci, Roma, 2011, pp. 67-91.





