Re-reading Terrae incognitae. The place of imagination in geography by J.K. Wright


  • Davide Papotti University of Parma


It may seem strange perhaps at a first glance, to see the famous pioneering essay by John Kirtland Wright, Terrae incognitae. The place of imagination in geography, re-presented in this section devoted to classic writings in the field of geographical teaching and education. I firmly believe, though, that the research perspectives indicated by the American geographer are not only still valid and challenging today, but that they also offer stimulating perspectives in a didactic perspe-ctive as well. In my brief introduction, after providing some information about the essay, I will try to explain why I think that geographical teaching can still profit from Wright’s words.

Author Biography

Davide Papotti, University of Parma

Associate Professor in Geography Università  di Parma Dipartimento ALEF - Antichistica Lingue Educazione Filosofia


Whittlesey D., “The Horizon of Geography”, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 35, 1945, pp. 1-38.

Brown R.H., “Mirror for Americans: Likeness of the Eastern Seaboard, 1810”, American Geographical Society Special Publication, 27, 1943.






Teachings from the past (ed. by Dino Gavinelli and Davide Papotti)