Making politics – and science – through maps. The “Europa etnografica” maps of the Atlante internazionale del Touring Club Italiano (1927-1940)


  • Rafael Company i Mateo Department of Education, museo valencia de la ilustración y la modernidad MuVIM, Valencia, Spain


  During Mussolini’s fascist regime, the Atlante internazionale del Touring Club Italiano – produced in Milan (1927-1938) and widely recognised far beyond the borders of Italy – included among its plates two maps of European ethnic groups. The makers of the TCI’s atlas passed on to us a specific approach to determine the kind of collective that ought to be considered an ethnic group. The enigmatic second reprint of the fifth edition (1938) was inexplicably not accompanied by the symbolic features required by the fascist authorities, but, after World War II started, the new version of the “Europa etnografica” map – on a 1:12.000.000 scale – clearly showed the changes that occurred in the political context.


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Mapping societies (edited by Edoardo Boria)