The sea on the skin


  • Enrico Squarcina Department of Human Sciences for Education “Riccardo Massa”, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy
  • Erica Neri Department of Human Sciences for Education “Riccardo Massa”, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy


The following contribution explores the role of tattoos in the maritime community between the end of the 18th century and the middle of the 20th century. During this period, sailors, often engaged in long voyages across the world’s oceans, faced a variety of unique challenges and experiences that distinguished them from those leading more established lives on land. The nomadic lifestyle of these sailors often caused them to be marginalised by society. In this context, tattoos emerged as powerful identifiers that not only reflected personal histories, but also reinforced this marginalised group’s sense of belonging and identity through their relationship with the marine spaces. For sailors, tattoos became an identifying element, representing their achievements, experiences and connections to specific marine spaces. These marks on the skin often represented nautical themes, such as anchors, ships and mythical sea creatures, working as a visual narrative of their experiences. Each tattoo told a story, embodying life at sea, the dangers of maritime voyages and the deep connection between sailors and the vast and unpredictable marine environment. Furthermore, the tattoos acted as markers of cultural exchange and adaptation, illustrating how sailors interacted with different coastal communities and indigenous peoples during their voyages. This study aims to reflect on how tattoos can serve as a lens to understand how the frequentation of maritime spaces influenced the creation of a community. Through the analysis of this cultural practice, the study tries to uncover the meanings behind these tattoos and what they reveal about the relationship between sailors and the maritime spaces that they frequented. By exploring the geographical dimensions of tattooing culture within the maritime community, we obtain an insight into their experiences and identities, highlighting how these marks on the skin served not only as personal symbols, but also as reflections of the sailors’ links to the oceans, ports and cultures they encountered during their voyages.


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Thematic issue (ed. by Neri, Squarcina, Benetti, Modaffari)