Seafaring with the Saint: An Ethnogeographical study of fisherfolks in Nagore Shrine, Tamil Nadu, India


  • Sarah Ahmad Institute of Science Banaras Hindu University, India


In Southern India’s coastal regions, fishermen face various challenges in their livelihoods, including the dangers of the sea. Shahul Hamid, a 16th-century Sufi master known as the “Protector of Navigation”, holds significant spiritual influence in Nagore, Tamil Nadu, and beyond. Despite this influence, scholars have overlooked the impact of the saint’s shrine on fishermen. This study uses the concept of sense of place to explore the connections between the Nagore fishermen community and the saint’s shrine. Through qualitative methods like interviews and focus groups, the study uncovers complex relationships between fishermen and the shrine, revealing it as a source of security and connection to ancestral traditions amid modernization. The analysis highlights diverse relationships with the shrine, emphasizing the interplay between culture, spirituality, and livelihood in coastal communities.


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Thematic issue (ed. by Neri, Squarcina, Benetti, Modaffari)