Endlessly changing irrigation spaces: a multi-sited exhibition to reimagine proximities between Khartoum and Padua


  • Mariasole Pepa Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World, University of Padua, Italy


This article explores the process, also in emotional terms, of setting up a multi-site photographic exhibition in Khartoum and Padua, in the context of the outbreak of the war in Sudan, as a creative way to promote research dissemination. The multi-site exhibition emerged from a long tradition of research, between geographers at the University of Khartoum and the University of Padua, on the reconfiguration of irrigation spaces in Sudan. An “exploration” of the exhibition is presented with a discussion of a few important themes that emerged from the fieldwork. The article examines multi-site visual dissemination as a useful tool to reduce proximities and create new connections between places. Moreover, it reflects on the potentiality of photo exhibitions as a creative way to make research findings more accessible to a non-academic audience, and so to cross academic borders.


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The language of images (edited by Elisa Bignante and Marco Maggioli)