InDAGIS-MODE&APP project. A first assessment after one year in the field of medical geography, public health, precision preparedness through some applied demonstrations
This paper provides a first assessment of the work carried out in the framework of the InDAGISMODE&APP project, having two main objectives and thematic areas strongly characterised by appliedinterdisciplinary perspectives through GIS applications: the first one is related to medical geography, publichealth, precision preparedness for the management of emergencies; the second one is referred to therelationships between geography and literature, geography and archaeology, geography and history,geography and linguistics, digital humanities. In particular, we show and discuss some applieddemonstrations produced with reference to the first objective and thematic area, and for this purpose wehave selected three examples with reference to: - a dashboard which makes it possible to geolocate andgeovisualise the cases of COVID-19 recorded in Rome from February 25th to September 26th 2020; - adistancemetric map with concentric circular zones starting from the Tmb plant of Malagrotta (westernsuburbs of Rome) where a fire broke out on 15th June 2022; - a webApp which makes it possible togeolocate the Sapienza University semiautomatic external defibrillators (AEDs) and search for the AEDclosest to a starting point. Moreover, we provide some considerations regarding further activities in theperspectives of applicative-intersectoral research, laboratory didactics and third mission. With reference toother examples of interdisciplinary applied research, we show some ArcGIS Pro elaborations produced forthe geolocation and three-dimensional representation of the Sapienza buildings, starting from the Faculty ofLetters and Philosophy and developing a procedure which could be replicated to cover the whole campus,creating a profitable connection among geography (and geography of safety), engineering and architecture,public health, workplace safety, risk prevention and protection etc.References
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