Researching students’ image of geography: Developing a questionnaire survey


  • Veronika Korvasova Department of Geography, Faculty of Education, Masaryk University, Brno, Czechia


This methodological study developed and validated a 42-item questionnaire to explore an image of geography from the students’ perspective. The study aimed to (a) outline the questionnaire’s theoretical background, (b) confirm its reliability, (c) and verify its construct validity on a sample of 123 Czech lower secondary students (aged 12–15 years). The dimensions of the questionnaire were as follows: the usefulness of geography, teaching methods, geography teacher, and family background. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis, item analysis, and exploratory factor analysis (EFA). After solving the challenges associated with the empirical validation of the items, the findings indicated that the final version of the questionnaire is suitable for exploring the image of geography. The reliability of all subscales exceeded 0.75. The preliminary results suggested that Czech students’ perception of geography is relatively neutral. Further uses of the tool, suggestions for future research, and study limitations were also discussed.


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Geographical notes and (practical) considerations