Educational landscape and possibilities - Geography education (in the light of a survey)


  • Judit Ütő-Visi Eszterházy Károly University


The education of geography in Hungary has gone through a significant transformation recently regarding its structure and content. The questionnaire survey, which was carried out in the spring of 2009, examines the effects thereof. This study summarises the responses to the situation of geography education and teacher training. The responses suggest that in recent years there has been no improvement in geography education and the professional well-being of geography teachers. The biggest problems today are the low number of hours and the inappropriate consideration for the subject. This is contrary to the importance and usefulness of geographical knowledge and the role of the subject in the final exam. It can be observed that the changing needs arising from external circumstances do

Author Biography

Judit Ütő-Visi, Eszterházy Károly University

Associate professor, Department of Geography  


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