Variable impacts on young migrants and related measures in Spain and Italy. Andalusia and Sicily: a comparative analysis


  • Patrizia Rinaldi Institute for Migration Research, University of Granada, Granada, Spain


Migration is based on mobility, on the crossing of space in a determined time; the inescapable “precariousness” of the foreigner’s relationship with the territory is manifested in all its evidence. This paper focuses on the Mare Nostrum and the migration of the vulnerable. The problems related to protecting unaccompanied foreign minors are linked to their condition, including their minor age, alien status, and the lack of parental figures. Both with the supranational legal space (international and European), recognising an element of alienation from the domestic system for managing such situations, and with issues related to migrant law contribute to protections, creating conflicts and overlaps. International law protects the child’s best interests; in contrast, domestic law aims to balance the rights of the foreigner and domestic interests of a collective nature (especially public order and internal security). The research aims to analyse the multiple impacts of protection systems in several areas of great interest to unaccompanied young migrants: 1) rights and protection, 2) employment and job readiness, and 3) Andalusia and Sicily policies and programmes. This article examines the legislative changes that have taken place over the last two years and how these have affected the condition of young migrants in two Mediterranean countries, Spain and Italy. More specifically, two regions are compared: Andalusia and Sicily. The methodology used is socio-legal analysis combined with empirical research.


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2023-03-31 — Updated on 2023-06-01



Common ground (ed. by Antonello Scialdone, Riccardo Morri)