Learning Landscapes. Introduction


  • Benedetta Castiglioni Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World, University of Padua, Italy
  • Marcello Tanca Department of Literature, Languages and Heritage, University of Cagliari, Italy


We are very pleased to present this issue focused on the theme of landscape. As is well known both inside and outside of geography, landscape studies represent an established and transversal field of research, an archipelago of questions capable of setting off and involving knowledge and heterogeneous perspectives that we recognise as “connected to” and “intertwined with” this concept. Different ways of looking at, speaking about, doing, living with and studying the landscape open up precious paths to deepening our lives and those of others in the present and future and generate a long series of interpretative options. Indeed, the abandonment of traditional morphological and objectifying visions has projected onto this concept new ethical, political, functional, symbolic, planning and post-representational functions and values.


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Cisani M., Castiglioni C. and Sgard A. “Landscape and education: Politics of/in practices”, Landscape Research, 47, 2, 2022, pp. 137-141.

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Farinelli F., “The Witz of Landscape and the Astuteness of Representation”, in Buttimer A., Brunn S.D. and Wardenga U. (Eds.), Text and Image: Social Construction of Regional Knowledges, Leipzig, Institut for Landerkunde, 1999, pp. 38-53.

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Sgard A. and Paradis S. (Eds.), Sur les bancs du paysage. Enjeux didactiques, démarches et outils, Geneve, MétisPresses, 2019.






Learning Landscapes ed. by Benedetta Castiglioni, Marcello Tanca