The importance for a (scientific and didactics) Journal to be indexed in Scopus. The recent goal achieved by J-READING


  • Cristiano Pesaresi Department of Letters and Modern Cultures, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy


On 20 July 2022 – after only 50 days from the title submission – we received the mail which informed us that J-READING (Journal of Research and Didactics in Geography) had been accepted for Scopus. In particular, the main strong points highlighted were the following: the journal consistently includes articles that are academically sound and relevant to an international academic or professional audience in the field; in general, the content of the articles is consistent with the scope and aims of the journal; this title addresses a subject area not properly covered by an existing journal. The evaluation made for the acceptance by Scopus has therefore underlined some specific features of J-READING which in turn evidence other aspects.


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