The Courier, the Student, the Tourist: Three Perspectives on Cycling Landscapes



As cycling is increasingly promoted as a sustainable and fashionable means of transportation, practices and representations are also increasingly diverse. In this paper, we focus on the urban context, offering three perspectives based on our research experience: the food courier at the mercy of digital platforms; the commuting student, negotiating their independence during the home-school journey; and, finally, the tourist/traveler exploring the city by bicycle. We aim to investigate and highlight their peculiarities, paying particular attention to the fertile encounter of our different research methodologies and to the routing and visibility issues that emerge. We explore these three perspectives on cycling landscapes and their potential educational applications. Methodologically, we used auto-ethnography, surveys and literary sources to unpack the mobility scripts embedded within various cycling landscapes, as well as their continuous negotiation and contestation.


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Learning Landscapes ed. by Benedetta Castiglioni, Marcello Tanca