Activities of analysis, education and territorial animation linked to objectives of prevention/countering of the risks of early school dropout in young people with a migratory background


  • Riccardo Morri National President of the Italian Association of Geography Teachers, Dipartimento di Lettere e Culture Moderne, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy


The Central Council of the Italian Association of Geography Teachers informs that, within the context of the Programme Agreement (ex art. 15 of Act 241/1990) signed with the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy for the realisation of activities of analysis, monitoring and evaluation with reference to the system of integration policies aimed at third country nationals – Directorate General of Immigration, coherently with the Line of intervention “C – in-depth analysis of access channels to labour, education and training, and welfare services”, INAPP – Istituto Nazionale per l’Analisi delle Politiche Pubbliche (National Institute for the Analysis of Public Policies) – has entrusted the Italian Association of Geography Teachers with the task of carrying out the activities of analysis, education and territorial animation linked to objectives of prevention/countering of the risks of early school dropout in young people with a migratory background.






Geographical notes and (practical) considerations