Geographical and geospatial competences from school education to higher education: the contribution of international journals and EUROGEO in the international projects
The World is changing in such a rapid way and a more complex society makes geographical education essential for global understanding in a sustainable Earth’s future. Besides this, Europe must face its own geopolitical, economic, social and environmental challenges, but geography is placed in the center of the knowledge, skills and values that 21st century European citizens must acquire through a process of lifelong learning in order to reinforce democracy, human rights and European values. In a world of rivalry between the United States and China, the emergence of the Middle East, the increase of fragmenting and disrupting populism, fast news and social media, or the unequal engagement to climate change mitigation or Sustainable Development Goals achievement, geographical competences must be part of the core competences for any literate, educated and informed person. Citizens across the world must be able to understand and interact with the physical and human environment, from global to national to local scale. Thus, international geography education – mainly by means of the international projects like the ones EUROGEO runs – contribute decisively to expanding the picture and to thinking bigger through the exchanges of national curriculum cultures, best experiences and cooperation in order to enhance geography education itself, from school education to higher education.References
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