Geography for environment and health


  • Gino De Vecchis Sapienza University of Rome


The environment and health, as the anthropic action on the Planet becomes more pervasive (Anthropocene), intensify their relationships, as witnessed by the Covid-19 pandemic, which is only a testimony of the failures produced by environmental deterioration in societies, both locally and globally. The Anthropocene is the framework within which to lay the first bases of investigation to interpret and review the behaviour of the Earth system in the light of the great ecological, socio-economic and political problems that humanity must face. To the binomial environment and health geography should look with attention and new perspectives, with an intensification of collaboration between geographers (physical and human) and scholars of medical area.

Author Biography

Gino De Vecchis, Sapienza University of Rome

Sapienza University of Rome


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A geographical and crosscutting look at the COVID-19 pandemic in an international framework (ed. by Cristiano Pesaresi)