Teaching and Learning Geography in pandemic and post-pandemic realities
The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in unprecedented changes to society and environment presenting challenges to humanity at the individual, local and global scales. These changes have implications for geographical education in terms of the curricular content as well as the way that it is being taught and learnt. We cannot wait for the pandemic to end before we continue our efforts to advance the work of geographical education. Further, the lock-down measures adopted in different places have also resulted in a rapid adoption of online teaching and learning, for people who can afford to do so. In addition, this has drawn attention to the unevenness in access to resources, and the implication for geographical education. In particular, the issues and challenges arising from the pandemic can be included as topics in the geography curricula around the world. This position paper pulls together several strands of work that the author has been involved in to articulate a response in geography education in the face of the global pandemic and its aftermath. The paper offers implications for geographical education across the individual, local and global scales and suggest ways that we can respond immediately to this crisis as a community.References
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