Time-geography approach during the COVID-19 emergency in Italy: a constraints study at national and local level
During the COVID-19 emergency, restrictions on individual and collective freedoms and the need to carry out smart working and distance learning clearly emphasized the importance of “space†and spatial relationships in everyday life. Indeed, the new constraints introduced during the lockdown have led us to reflect on the different modalities and temporalities of using both the real and the virtual space. The research was conducted at two levels within the scope of the time-geography approach and the related main concepts and investigation instruments. Specifically, at a national level, the perception of the various types of constraints during the lockdown were evaluated through an online questionnaire, highlighting in particular technological constraints. At a local level, the spatial-temporal organization of a group of university students was analyzed through a time-geographic diary and an individual path. The article describes the qualitative-quantitative methodologies and research instruments used, the sample of participants and the results of the two levels investigated. On the whole, the investigation confirms the topicality of Hagerstrand’s theory as well as its versatility and effectiveness in analyzing everyday life during the COVID-19 emergency.References
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