Thinking through geography in times of the COVID-19 pandemic


  • Joop van der Schee Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


In 2020 the COVID-19 disease caused by the SARS CoV-2 coronavirus changed our world drastically. From Wuhan to Bergamo and from New York to Cape Town the immense effects of the pandemic are noticeable: many deaths, an enormous economic decline and many borders closed. Scientists are working hard to find out more about the new virus, especially to get vaccines to stop it. Geography offers knowledge and tools to help to visualize, and analyze the diffusion of the virus and its effects on society at different scales. Important questions are how to handle the unwanted guest and how to continue our life in the near future. Do we use the pandemic as a chance to really improve life on planet Earth? And is there a role for geography education in all this? More attention to systems thinking and a more sustainable  lifestyle are needed.


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A geographical and crosscutting look at the COVID-19 pandemic in an international framework (ed. by Cristiano Pesaresi)