Europe without barriers: accessible tourism between places and projects


  • Stefania Cerutti Università  del Piemonte Orientale
  • Stefano de Falco Università Federico II Napoli
  • Anna Trono Università  del Salento


In the last few decades, the tourism sector in Europe is facing growing demands from travellers who want better access in hotels, at holiday destinations and tourist attractions. The number of European travellers in the 55+ age group is increasing and, together with disabled people and their families, these customers are looking for travel options where basic accessibility features are standard. The so-called accessible tourism for all is not about providing separated services for separated targets or niche tourist markets. It aims at full integration or rather inclusion of people with special needs (age, size, disability) in the tourism sector. Its long-term goal is the creation of a tourist environment in which all tourists can participate actively. Viewed from the perspective of accessible tourism for all, tourism policy in the European Union can be said to unite accessibility targets that are part of the otherwise trade-related aspects of tourism policy and a disability policy that, based on the United Nations’ Standard Rules, support goals and specific measures at various levels that are designed to enhance accessibility in connection with tourism policy. Within this framework, the main purpose of this research is to investigate strategies and actions in which the European Commission is committed to increase accessibility in tourism. Using a qualitative methodology, the paper explores objectives and activities of some initiatives that are helping to make travel and tourism accessible for all. Therefore, it offers an overview on some projects and good practices taking place in European countries.


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Accessibility and sustainable tourism: a kaleidoscope of issues and perspectives (ed. by Stefania Cerutti, Elisa Piva)