Video as a support to education in geography


  • Giancarlo Macchi Jànica Geography Laboratory, University of Siena, Siena, Italy
  • Melissa Tomassini Geography Laboratory, University of Siena, Siena, Italy
  • Anna Guarducci Geography Laboratory, University of Siena, Siena, Italy


The digital and IT revolution, together with the spread of the Internet, has changed and enhanced our tools and ways of communication. To what extent can these new forms of interaction and transmission of ideas be used in an improved manner in the geography education process? One of the areas that has seen a relevant transformation is the production and distribution of audio-visual content. Starting from the question of whether and to what extent current video techniques are a valuable method for the dissemination of scientific ideas, this paper discusses the main phases of a project conducted by the University of Siena’s Geography Laboratory, which involved the production of targeted films aimed at the explanation of a complex theme such as globalization. One of the key characteristics being highlighted was the technical quality. This intellectual analysis also entailed an assessment of the degree of approval, usability, and efficacy in the learning process with geography students at college level.


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