New ISTAT “microzones” layer: a new way to read land cover statistics


  • Stefano Mugnoli DIPS-DCAT-ATA, ISTAT (National Institute of Statistics), Rome, Italy
  • Fabio Lipizzi DIPS-DCAT-ATA, ISTAT (National Institute of Statistics), Rome, Italy
  • Antonella Esposto DIPS-DCAT-ATA, ISTAT (National Institute of Statistics), Rome, Italy


The aim of this paper is to describe the procedures used to integrate geographic datasets in order to produce new ISTAT “microzones” layer, an upgrade of the 2011 Census cartography. The above is an experiment based on the management and fusion between Land Cover data concerning hinterland areas (i.e. cadastral data) and maps produced by regional or local authorities. All the activities are in progress and under assessment. Integration and elaboration are carried out using a number of ArcGIS 10.4.1 tools. The main achievements so far have been to produce integrated geographic datasets and to link microzones land cover and use legend with LUCAS (Land Use/Cover Area frame Survey) one. Other very useful pilot data are represented by four band high resolution aerial images; calculating simple radiometric indices (SAVI, ENDVI), in fact, it can be possible to improve the estimates of vegetation cover, especially in urban areas. All the information collected can be a very useful way of improving the quality of land cover/use statistical data, although the integration of data that came from different sources can involve an accuracy loss and a generalization of the final product; the activities will be extended to the entire Italian territory to enhance the value of the input data. Future work will be planned to automate all data processing and integration with other geographic database sources, in order to increase data details and to reduce the generalization of the same.


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