The role of geographic data and Open geoData in the framework of Open Government in disaster management operations: 2016 Central Italy earthquake emergency


  • Pierluigi Cara Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Civil Protection Department, Rome, Italy


This paper focuses on the application of the Open Government principles and particularly on the activity ofdata releasing by Public Administrations, also as open data. Open Data is a measure that allows OpenGovernment to contribute significantly to the implementation of the Government’s transparency in its action.In addition to transparency, however, the degree of citizen participation in decision-making processes drivenby data, as well as the capability of individual administrations to communicate with each other according to thedata policies in place is given.For the scope of conducting an analysis of the effective implementation of Open Government, a specific modelof interpretation is applied in the context of emergency management caused by a catastrophe at national level.By analysing the large amount of data generated and the sharing and communication dynamics of the samedata among the numerous actors involved in the emergency and the citizens themselves, we can assess thecrucial value of their use in the decision-making process. The state of emergency selected is the very recentone arising from the sequence of earthquakes that hit central Italy starting from the event of 24 August 2016,followed by the subsequent ones of 26 and 30 October 2016. Among the data examined, special attention isgiven to geographical data, for their relevant role in decision-making processes.The results achieved testify to the importance of adopting Open Government policies, nevertheless measuringthe distance that still exists in the application of Open Government principles accounted for in this research(some aspects of transparency and collaboration), with regard to the bottom-up initiatives implemented bynon- institutional bodies compared to the top-down ones operated by central and regional institutions.


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