Pattern of alcohol consumption of adolescents of a provincial town of the Lazio Region (Italy)
Alcohol consumption in Italy showed a change in the model of consumption: from a model defined Mediterranean to a model comparable to northern European countries. Especially in teenagers drinking habits, is possible to note a new pattern of consumption far from the peers of past decades. The consumption is concentrated in one occasion and characterized by simultaneously ingestion of different alcoholic beverages, often spirits, far from meals. It is changes also the porpoise of alcohol drinking from conviviality to lose of self-control. To study this phenomenon a representative sample of 500 adolescents from the town of Velletri (Rome), was investigated. The 76.8% of the sample declared the consumption of alcoholic beverages; the 67,1% declared beer, 55.1% wine and 54.1% spirits consumption. The larger alcohol consumption occurs during the weekend but a considerable number of student declare also consumption of wine at meal (38.3%). The average age of first exposure to alcohol consumption is very low: from 10 to 15 years; and mainly the first drunkenness episode occurs at 14 years. This sample confirms the magnitude of the problem and urges a further analysis to better understand the phenomenon.References
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