Maps In/Out Of Place. Charting alternative ways of looking and experimenting with cartography and GIS


  • Laura Lo Presti Dipartimento Culture e Società , University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy


Nowadays, new speculative and experimental ferments on analog and digital mapping are variously infusingboth “insiders” (geographers, cartographers, urban planners, GIS scientists) and “outsiders” (Art historiansand creative practitioners)’ work. To properly evidence and discuss the excitement of mapping that isemerging through a wide range of visual and aesthetical contributions, it is important to contextualize andcompare such unconventional practices of map-making in terms of reflexivity and transitivity of geographicknowledge production. This means respectively to distinguish different roles assumed by geographers, cartographersand GIS scientists in the interpretation and application of new theories and practices of mapping,but also to take seriously into consideration the creative mapping culture which is becoming visibleoutside of their discipline, for example in the artistic domain. In this report, I focus on the “reflexive”stance, by giving a personal, thus not exhaustive, overview of the creative trajectories on mapping currentlyexplored in carto/geography. After emplacing the theory and experimentation on maps and geospatial datawithin the context of academic geographic production, I discuss three projects where geographers and GISscientists are at the forefront of the concurrent rethinking of the map as a deforming and multidimensionaltool for spatial analysis.


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Mapping societies (ed. by Laura Lo Presti and Matteo Marconi)