Urban regeneration strategies in waterfront areas. An interpretative framework


  • Giorgia Iovino Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Sociali e della Comunicazione (DiSPSC), University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy


In this paper we discuss strategies and practices for regenerating waterfronts, a typology of urban space,exposed more than others to profit-driven urbanization. Following the literature and the academic debate ofthe last decades, the main elements of two fundamentally different visions of the waterfront and the city ingeneral are identified and investigated. Based on these elements we draw a unified framework to elicit thecity vision underlying present regenerative practices and we propose a concise set of criteria to comparecase studies. This conceptual and methodological grid can be usefully employed for the framing of the decision-making process at the planning stage by policy makers and practitioners, for the assessment of thesepolicies in the public debate and, more generally, for teaching and empirical research purposes in this field.


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