Intentional Camera Movement: A Multisensory and Mobile Photographic Technique to Investigate the Urban Tourism Experience


  • Elisa Bruttomesso Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche Geografiche e dell'Antichità  (DISSGeA), University of Padua, Padua, ItalyDepartament d’Antropologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
  • Jordi Vic Photographer, Barcelona, Spain


By using an autoethnographic perspective, the aim of the present article is to develop a nuanced vocabulary for understanding and performing visuality in relation to the photographic practices of tourists in urbanscapes. Drawing from photography as part of multisensory processes experienced through the interconnection of the senses and images as moving trajectories, this study experimented with Intentional Camera Movement (ICM) as a potential specific photographic technique to examine tourist photographs in relation to urbanscape shots and, more broadly, to critique the pervasive privilege of sight. Furthermore, ICM aims to develop a critical-creative style to evoke (rather than illustrate) the experience of movingthrough urban tourist spaces at a time of mobile media and ubiquitous digital cameras.




The language of images (edited by Elisa Bignante and Marco Maggioli)