Geography in the reformed educational system in Poland ‒ return to the past or a brand new quality?


  • Wiktor Osuch Geography Department, Pedagogical University of Cracow, Cracow, Poland


In 2017 the reform of the educational system in Poland was introduced. The current system of education is being changed drastically owing to both the removal of the three-year junior secondary school (gimnasium1) and the extension of primary school education. These systemic changes are likewise responsible for a change in the curricula of all school subjects at different levels of education, including Geography. Will these changes be beneficial for teaching this subject and the status of Geography at school? We are not certain at this time.Despite the fact that the proposed changes and the constructed core curriculum were likewise consulted among a wider group of teachers, it has not been possible yet to assess these changes unequivocally. Therefore, the subject of the present analysis and evaluation is the core curriculum for teaching Geography and the status of Geography in the Polish educational system. It is, however, impossible not to refer to other determinants of changes introduced into education, including geographic education.A profound reform of the educational system rapidly introduced by the present government is giving rise to intense emotions. The reform proposes to return to the system and solutions that were valid many years ago such as the removal of the “gimnasium or lower secondary school”, compulsory education starting from the age of 7, as well as enormous and unforeseen consequences of those changes for students, parents and teachers who are uncertain their future teaching career.


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