EUGEO Commitment to Geographical Education: from the “Rome Declaration” to the “New International Charter on Geography Education”


  • Massimiliano Tabusi Università  per Stranieri di Siena


This paper aims to summarize the recent activities carried out by the Association of European Geographical Society (EUGEO) on a path related to the state of geography as a discipline and to geographical education. The attention is focused on two main steps of this path. The first is the Rome declaration on Geographical Education in Europe, signed in Rome, 2013, by the International Geographical Union (IGU), the Commission on Geographical Education (CGE), EUGEO, EUROGEO and the Association of Italian Teachers of Geography (AIIG). The second is the New International Charter on Geography Education, that is planned to be endorsed, in its final version, by the General Assembly of the IGU on the occasion of the International Geographical Union Congress in Beijing, August 2016. The aim is to trace and discuss the motivations and ways in which EUGEO has been involved in the drafting of these two documents.


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Geographical notes and (practical) considerations