About the Journal

Aims and Scope

J-READING was born with the basic aim of highlighting and enhancing the relationship existing in geography between research and didactics, strategic for the recording of state of the art progress, by means of scientific contributions and comparisons at international level. This basic objective is developed in various directions through theoretical, methodological and applicative research.

With its epistemological flexibility, the diversity of directions and approaches of contemporary geography is a crucial factor at a didactic level, since it proposes a multitude of viewpoints so as to foster a better understanding of the territorial realities at the various geographical scales. The continuous discovery of new rigorous elements and inputs from research can produce notable results, enlarged also by their potential for interaction with other scientific and disciplinary sectors. It is therefore necessary to valorise the numerous acquisitions of scientific fields also in terms of building knowledge and promoting an active awareness.

This Journal is committed to fostering research, approaches, laboratory applications, geotechnological and remote sensing elaborations that are able to demonstrate the importance of linking together scientific, educational and professional aspects.

J-READING promotes interdisciplinary research in different sectors of great current relevance in the perspective of social utility, public geography, education and profitable contributions to international debate, with the support of GIS and integrated approaches.

In the interconnected perspective of research and didactics, J-READING deals with issues related to:

  • the use of cartography, digital maps, remote sensing, models and tools for geographical and intersectoral perspectives;
  • epistemology, history of geography and cartography;
  • natural, environmental and social risks, and territorial planning;
  • medical and health geography and quality of life;
  • landscape, land use and resource enhancement;
  • sociodemographic and economic-tourism frameworks, territorial problems and opportunities.

J-READING also publishes thematic issues, having the added value of providing in-depth geographical considerations and analysis on aspects and phenomena that attract the attention at national and international level.

Peer Review Process

J-READING is an international double-blind peer-reviewed open access journal which publishes original works; therefore, the submitted papers must not have been previously published and must not be currently under consideration for other publications. Each paper is submitted to two-three expert reviewers who use a standard report form to express their evaluations, comments and applications for supplements. Each paper is evaluated on the basis of: the structure of the work; the methodology and technologies used (including statistics, GIS etc.); the presence of new and interesting elements from the point of view of didactics and geographical education; the presence of new and interesting elements from the point of view of research; the relevance and originality of figures and tables; the suitability of the bibliography. The time required for conducting reviews is generally two weeks.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Sapienza University of Rome. Department of Letters and Modern cultures

University of Turin

University of Helsinki

Western Michigan University. College of Arts and Sciences

EUGEO - Association of Geographical Societies in Europe

National Research Council. Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies

Sources of Support


Esri Italia


Journal History

J-READING was founded in 2012 and it is registered at the Rome Court. It is a biannual International Journal of the Italian Association of Geography Teachers and it is published online by Nuova Cultura.

With reference to the ANVUR indicators for the assessment of scientific journals for the purposes of ranking them in "Class A", the following was expressed  with regard to J-READING:

"It is a very "young" journal (it was founded in 2012), which in a short space of time has earned a solid reputation both for the importance of the contributions by outstanding Italian and foreign scholars and due to the fact that it is the only international geographical journal printed exclusively in English and with a dual modality: online, with free access, and a printed version on demand; and the fact that it promotes analysis, interpretations and proposals aimed at valorising the relationship between research and  didactics in geography, editing a number of columns with which it follows the major current debates in the present context of the discipline of geography; and due to the quality of the Scientific Committee and the Committee of Referees, made up of  internationally renowned Italian and foreign scholars; but above all owing to the rigorous peer reviewing procedure, guaranteed by the number and prestige of the referees and the scrupulous anonymity of the readers and authors (double-blind), including the linguistic proofreading".

It was also stated that

"The journal [...] meets all the Class 'A'  requirements (referred to in Min. Decree No. 76 of 7 June 2021), relative in particular to the strict peer reviewing procedure and its  diffusion, esteem and impact in the community of experts of the geographical sector. Furthermore, all the geographical associations have expressed their favourable opinion for the ranking of J-READING among the Class 'A' scientific journals".

For in-depth information regarding J-READING history, keywords and some relevant initiatives, please see the following contributions:

  • De Vecchis G., "J-Reading is born", J-READING (Journal of Research and Didactics in Geography), 0, 1, 2012, pp. 7-10 (link).
  • De Vecchis G., "Some keywords of J-Reading", J-READING (Journal of Research and Didactics in Geography), 1, 2, 2013, pp. 5-6 (link).
  • De Vecchis G., "J-Reading has been awarded "Class A" by ANVUR", J-READING (Journal of Research and Didactics in Geography), 1, 4, 2015, pp. 5-6 (link).
  • De Vecchis G., "J-Reading towards new horizons", J-READING (Journal of Research and Didactics in Geography), 2, 7, 2018, pp. 5-6 (link).
  • Pesaresi C., "J-Reading new and recent initiatives: for research, education and multifaceted collaborations", J-READING (Journal of Research and Didactics in Geography), 1, 9, 2020, pp. 5-8 (link).

Other Principles of Transparency

No fees or charges are required for manuscript processing and/or publishing papers and contributions. 

J-READING has no advertising policy or marketing activities and does not publish advertisements.

An electronic backup of the journal contents and papers is integrated into the OJS platform.

Founder: Gino De Vecchis (Italy).

Editor in Chief: Cristiano Pesaresi (Italy).

Associate Editors: Clare Brooks (UK), Stefano Malatesta (Italy), Joseph Stoltman (USA), Sirpa Tani (Finland).

Assistant Editor: Davide Pavia (Italy).

Scientific Committee: Eyüp Artvinli (Turkey), Caterina Barilaro (Italy), Giuliano Bellezza (Italy), Tine Béneker (Netherlands), Gabriel Bladh (Sweden), Carlo Blasi (Italy), He Canfei (China),Laura Cassi (Italy), Raffaele Cattedra (Italy), Claudio Cerreti (Italy), Chew-Hung Chang (Singapore), Giorgio Chiosso (Italy), Sergio Conti (Italy), Egidio Dansero (Italy), Martin R. Degg (UK), Giuseppe Dematteis (Italy), Gino De Vecchis (Italy), Karl Donert (UK), Pierpaolo Faggi (Italy), Franco Farinelli (Italy), Maurizio Fea (Italy), Maria Fiori (Italy), Cristiano Giorda (Italy), Martin Hanus (Czech Republic), Hartwig Haubrich (Germany), Nancy Hoalst-Pullen (USA), Vladimir Kolosov (Russian Federation), Jongwon Lee (South Korea), Marco Maggioli (Italy), Svetlana Malkhazova (Russian Federation), Jerry Mitchell (USA), Riccardo Morri (Italy), José Enrique Novoa-Jerez (Chile), Daniela Pasquinelli d'Allegra (Italy), Petros Petsimeris (France), Roberto Scandone (Italy), Giuseppe Scanu (Italy), Lidia Scarpelli (Italy), Daniela Schmeinck (Germany), Rana P.B. Singh (India), Claudio Smiraglia (Italy),  Michael Solem (USA), Hiroshi Tanabe (Japan), Angelo Turco (Italy), Joop van der Schee (Netherlands), Isa Varraso (Italy), Bruno Vecchio (Italy), Han Zeng Lin (China), Tanga Pierre Zoungrana (Burkina Faso). Secretary of coordination: Matteo Puttilli (Italy) and Massimiliano Tabusi (Italy).

Editorial Board: Filiberto Ciaglia (Co-Chief), Diego Gallinelli (Co-Chief), Victoria Bailes, Daniela De Vecchis, Elisa Piva.

Referee: Ronald F. Abler (USA), Marina Arshinova (Russian Federation), Mahmoud Ashour (Egypt), Margherita Azzari (Italy), Valerio Baiocchi (Italy), Susan Ball (France), Tiziana Banini (Italy), Nathalìe Barrette (Canada), Gianfranco Battisti (Italy), Elisa Bignante (Italy), Josep Vincent Boira (Spain), Edoardo Boria (Italy), Giuseppe Borruso (Italy), Antonio Brusa (Italy), Carlo Brusa (Italy), Barbara Bruschi (Italy), Andrea Cantile (Italy), Claudio Caputo (Italy), Ester Capuzzo (Italy), Pierluigi Cara (Italy), Gianluca Casagrande (Italy), Benedetta Castiglioni (Italy), Filippo Celata (Italy), Antonio Ciaschi (Italy), Pamela Cowan (UK), Flavia Cristaldi (Italy), Paolo Crivelli (Switzerland), Elena Dai Prà  (Italy), Stefano De Falco (Italy), Alfonso Garcia de la Vega (Spain), Stefano De Rubertis (Italy), Corrado De Vito (Italy), Christopher Dibben (UK), Fabio Fatichenti (Italy), Andrea Favretto (Italy), Carina Fearnley (Great Britain), Marina Fuschi (Italy), Graziella Galliano (Italy), Floriana Galluccio (Italy), Emanuela Gamberoni (Italy), José¨ Gambino (Italy), Marìa Manuela Redondo Garcìa (Spain), Dino Gavinelli (Italy), Francesco Giannattasio (Italy), Alessandra Giannelli (Italy), Giovanni Giuriati (Italy), Alba Belén Hermosilla Gonzàlez (Spain), Andrea Guaran (Italy), Paolo Gull (Italy), Markus Hilander (Finland), Daniele Ietri (Italy), Idrissi Janati M'Hammed (Morocco), Oxana A. Klimanova (Russian Federation), Peter Jordan (Austria), Sandra Leonardi (Italy), Miriam Marta (Italy), Cristiana Martinha (Portugal), Giovanni Mauro (Italy), Monica Meini (Italy), Paolo Molinari (Italy), Monica Morazzoni (Italy), Éric Mottet (Canada), Giuseppe Naglieri (Italy), Ilovan Oana-Ramona (Romania), Paolo Osso (Italy), Cosimo Palagiano (Italy), Davide Papotti (Italy), Andrea Pavesi (Italy), Astrid Pellicano (Italy), Antonella Pietta (Italy), Maurizio Pollino (Italy), Carlo Pongetti (Italy),  Abdul Rashid Bin Mohamed Shariff (Malaysia), Andrea Riggio (Italy), Giuseppe Rocca (Italy), Lorena Rocca (Italy), Maria Ronza (Italy), Tania Rossetto (Italy), Maria Cristina Salvatore (Italy), Marcos A. Saquet (Brazil), Enrico Squarcina (Italy), Eliseu Saverio Sposito (Brazil), Maria Teresa Taviano (Italy), Alberto Vanolo (Italy), Jorge Virchez (Canada), Wei Zhang (China).